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  • December 24th, 2010

    Passing A Drug Test Fast

    Passing a Drug Test Fast

    Drug Test is the procedure to determine drug use by a person. The objective behind instituting a drug test is to prevent people from using drugs. Failure to pass drug test can mean a loss of job, of sporting achievements, of rented premises, cancellation of contract or suspension from school / college. The fear of these consequences is meant to keep people away from drugs. The problem is with the issue of false positives –a condition in which even non-users of drug test positive due to consumption of certain medicines and foods.

    Drug tests are named after the sample that they use to scan for the presence of drug residues. Therefore we have the urine test, the blood test, saliva / oral swab test, sweat test / analysis and the hair drug test. The urine drug test is the most common of all the drug tests. Except the armed forces, which use the hair drug test due to its highest accuracy, most other authorities use the urine test. Sometimes the saliva test is used a surprise test because it can be conducted very quickly. So if you have a drug test lined up in your office it is always better to check yourself drug test kit in stores. This will give you a clear idea of where you stand. Do this even if you don’t use drugs, you might get to prevent a possible false positive test result.

    If you are in for a surprise test, then you need to know of passing a drug test fast. In this case you need synthetic detoxifiers. Natural ones are available only for the urine test. A combination of water and cranberry juice, consumed 2 to 3 hours before the test, will break down the toxins and stimulate urination – removing the toxins through urine. If the surprise test is a saliva / oral swab pass a drug test, you need to rinse your mouth with a detox mouthwash 5 to 30 minutes before the test. These days due to stringent supervision it is nearly impossible to use such methods. The best way therefore is to abstain from drugs and those medicines and foods that will give a false positive result.

    How to pass