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  • November 9th, 2010

    Shows Up As Thc In Drug Test

    Shows up as THC in Drug Test.

    THC is the abbreviation of tetra–hydro –cannabinol. It is the psychoactive substance in the most commonly consumed drug – marijuana. It is also the element that when found, will pronounce you guilty in a urine drug test. Apart from marijuana, consumption of certain medicines and nutrients can also lead to testing positive in a drug test. Here is some information on THC and on what shows up as THC in a drug test.

    THC is fat soluble and is stored in body fat before being eliminated from the body. This is the reason it is stored inside kidneys and eliminated gradually through urine. This also means that it is retained in the body for greater lengths of time and therefore can be detected in urine for a considerable duration after it was consumed. THC retention in kidneys and its detection in urine make urine the most preferred sample for alcohol and drug screening tests. The factors that decide the retention time for THC include age, height, weight, percentage of body fat and metabolism of the person using marijuana. A person with more fat stores THC for more time than one with less fat. Faster metabolism ensures faster assimilation and therefore faster elimination of the toxin from the body.

    False Positive is a condition when a person tests positive in a test even if he has not deliberately consumed drugs. This happens when the person consumes foodstuffs and medicines that contain drug chemicals. Thus even if you are not a marijuana user, consumption of certain elements will show up as THC in drug test. These elements / chemicals include Riboflavin – B2 or Hempseed Oil; Ibuprofen – Advil, Nuprin, Excedrin IB, Motrin etc; Promethazine (Phenergan, Promethegan); Dronabinol (Marinol); Naproxen (Aleve); and Ketoprofen (Orudis KT). Kidney infection or kidney disease, liver disease and diabetes are also among the reasons for THC showing up in a drug test. The best way to avoid a false positive test is not to use over the counter medicines and to check the composition of all the prescribed medicines that you use. That way you will not end up on the wrong side of a drug test.

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