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  • October 7th, 2010

    Ways For Passing Drug Tests

    Ways for passing drug tests

    Ethics of Drug Testing: There are numerous determining factors for how long drug toxins stay in a persons body which differ from person to person, such as the analytical method used, your health, your body weight, metabolism, fluid intake, the type of drug toxin, and the degree of exposure to the drug toxin. There are several ways to pass a drug test.

    EMIT (Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique) the most generally used test for pre-employment drug screenings. RIA (Radioimmunoassay) mainly used in the military, this test is extremely responsive. TRIAGE this widely used test has shown to produce over 50% “false positives” results on drug-free urine. This is known as Immunoassay Drug Testing. TLC (Thin Layer Chromatographer) not broadly used for drug tests since results are not very dependable. GC/MS (Gas Chromatographer/Mass Spectrometer) the most sophisticated test (over 99.8% accurate) and the most costly type of testing used to verify preliminary results if they are positive. This kind of drug test is named as

    In case of Sweat Patch Drug Testing the use of the sweat patch to sense drug use was freshly approved by the FDA. The patch is used chiefly to monitor people on parole or trial. The patch is altering proof and each one has a serial number. Even in Saliva Drug Testing the FDA has newly given Epitope, Inc. consent to begin manufacturing saliva tests. In a study using RIA (Radioimmunoassay) test, cannabinoids were spotted in saliva 4 to 10 hours after subjects smoked a single marijuana joint. Blood Drug testing although expensive and intrusive, blood testing is the most accurate confirmation of drug use. As blood testing measures the correct existence of the drug or its metabolite at the time of testing, the results from this kind of test are the best indication of intoxication. Blood testing for the use of drugs is primarily used in accident investigations and for health insurance or life insurance exams.

    In urinalysis drug testing urine is the sample of choice since it contains the most metabolites of a drug taken. Urine samples are taken from an individual and delivered to the testing lab in a specimen cup. And in hair follicle drug testing which is comparatively new method for detecting drug use. With a one-inch hair sample containing about 50 strands, labs can detect the use of drugs within the past two months. If short hair, labs can take a sample from any part of the body. Hair testing is generally used in the casino trade. People with dark hair are 10-50 times more likely to test positive for drug use.

    How to pass