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  • December 19th, 2010

    Can Visine Pass A Drug Test

    Read more on can visine pass a drug test?

    What is visine? Visine is a most famous name of eye drops, distributed originally by Pfizer. Where as now it is produced and distributed by Johnson & Johnson. You can have it on your local store and it is definitely a complete remedy on eye irritation. It will be best medicine for the people who are suffering from having red spot or bloodshot eyes. Visine tries to limit the appearance of them. It is one medicine which is recommended by an ophthalmologist. However, remember that do not treat visine as a medicine, it is just a cosmetic product. Most often you may come across the question can visine pass a drug test? Well, answer of the above question is No. Visine is not meant for passing drug test and it hardly having any substances which supports for passing the drug test. Furthermore, it is proved from the laboratory experiments that visine does not provide any guarantee on getting positive result. Visine works every time as a false negative result generator in EMIT screening. Reason behind its not working may be its inability to make foam on samples.

    As there are substances which provides help on having false negative result, with some products you can have false positive result as well. False positive drug test results are shocking and quite unexpected when you tried so much to get clean result. First of learn what is false positive result? It is test result that returned positive for some other substances. It is a case example of misidentification. If you take poppy seeds just before drug test, then there is high possibility of getting positive result against opiates. Superiority of the laboratory is also one major point in getting false positive result. If your company is making use of non certified drug screening lab, then there is higher chance of getting false positive report.

    To pass drug test, required patience and consistent use of drugs. You can make use of home based techniques for passing the drug test. Remember the myth attached with the drugs and its remedies. Do not follow any wrong method which generates negative effect on your body.

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