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  • November 9th, 2010

    Positive Drug Test Results

    Read about positive drug test results.

    It is becoming more and more common for the drug test to be used for pre-employment and high school activities. Drug tests became mandatory for federal employees after 1980. Drug testing is the best way to determine whether a person is under the influence or not. Monitoring the behavioral changes of an individual cannot be totally reliable for determining the influence of drugs. With recreational drug use increasing every year, the government is adopting drug testing methods and verbal no drug policies.

    Drug testing is the examination of biological specimens like urine, hair, saliva or blood for the presence or absence of drug metabolites in the system. Major uses of drug testing are to detect the presence of steroids used by athletes to enhance their performance or the drugs prohibited by the law. Drug testing can come with a notice or sometimes it is randomly conducted. How 2 pass a drug test is no longer a lengthy or tough procedure with the advent of many drug solutions and home drug test kits.

    Drug testing can come up in several forms like the urine drug test, saliva drug test, hair drug test or blood drug tests. Urinalysis is the most commonly used method as it is inexpensive and quite reliable. The mouth swab or saliva drug test is the easiest to pass as the drugs stay in the mouth only for 12-24 hours. Hair drug tests are the most accurate methods. It can detect the use of drugs several months or even a year ago. These techniques are not preferred must owing to the fact that they are very expensive.

    Drug tests are not necessarily accurate every time. A false positive result can destroy all the hopes of getting a job or participating in a sport event. A study of 161 prescriptions and over the counter medication showed that 65 of them can cause false positive in many of the well administered tests suggested a report by the Los Angeles Times New Service. In case of a false positive one should pressurize the authorities to conduct the test again. A false positive could be a result of many medications, vitamin or any other dietary supplements or passive inhalation.

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