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  • November 17th, 2010

    Clean Drug Tests

    Read about clean drug tests.

    Drug tests are becoming more and more popular with the increase in the number of illegal drug users. They are obligatory for the military forces and the basic requirement for recruiting process. Piss tests for the national guard is necessary and one needs to pass drug test or else his application for the same will be denied.

    Researching is surely going to help you find out which drug is going to stay in your system for how long. If you have been called for a drug test then you need to know about the drug detection time and start working accordingly as this will help you come through well in the drug testing. Some of the drugs stay in the system for weeks, months or even years and unless you have a clear about that you will not understand which method should be opted for cleaning the system.

    The best way to pass a drug a drug test is abstinence. Avoid drug use completely as no toxins will be detected and you can pass drug test easily. Dilution is the effective method of producing a clean sample. Hyper saturating your system by drinking lots of fluids will decrease the concentration of drug metabolites in the system depending upon the body metabolism rate. Beware of the creatinine level as they can be tested for validity test as they can show that the sample is diluted.

    Diluting will also produce a clear watery urine which otherwise is a shade of yellow. The lab authorities will assume that you have tried diluting the sample and the sample may get rejected on the basis of color alone. Use vitamin B2. It will help mask dilution by imparting yellow color to the urine. Consume protein rich red meat which will normalize the creatinine level in the urine. Drink at least 8 hefty glasses of water prior to the test so as to cleanse the system. Do not overdo as it could lead to water intoxification.

    Diuretics help people urinate frequently. Coffee, tea and cranberry juice are all effective diuretics. These will help eliminate toxins faster from the system. Exercising is effective in increasing the metabolism rate of the system by releasing the drug metabolites in the form of sweat or urine. All these tips will help you produce a clean sample and you pass drug test!

    How to pass