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  • October 13th, 2010

    Dot Approved Drug Test

    Dot approved drug test

    There are various authorities around the globe and in different countries that regulate the process of a drug test. They have varied degrees of strictness and leniency and also the process varies. The Dot is the department of transport of the United States of America, and is an authority in the tests conducted for the inspection of marijuana, THC, PCP, opiates, cocaine and amphetamines. The main purpose of this test is to ensure that drugs are off the ‘to do’ list of all the road drivers in the United States.

    The roads are one of the most deadly places if anyone is using it under the influence of drugs. Therefore the department of transportation has devised a test based on several sets of examinations. It comprehensive as well as in many cases the final word. There is no specific scheduling of the test but is conducted randomly with the method also changing depending on the substance that is being examined, i.e. it could be a urine test or a hair test or a saliva test or even a blood alcohol test. These are based on the knowledge about the prohibited substance prior to the drug test how long stay in system.

    The truck drivers, who unfortunately are the most tested lot after the on probation persons, have four different methods to promote the drug testing. These four times are 1) prior to joining the organization 2) when there has been some sort mishap or an accident leading to loss of life or extreme cycle 3) random drug test are generally good exercise as well as it takes out the safe zone criterion and finally, 4) such a test can also be ordered after a tip off from one of the employee about another. Even if the employer is around and if they find the behavior suspicious they can conduct the Dot tests.

    The dot test is done with all the methods, i.e. hair test or the urine tests etc, but the most common one is the urine based as it is simple and quick search for the presence of alcohol or other drugs. The system and the process is so much liked that the tests and the regulations are observed in many other fields and companies as well.

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