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  • November 9th, 2010

    Easy Way To Pass A Drug Test

    Read the easy ways to pass a drug test.

    Drug testing is the analysis of biological specimens like urine, hair, blood or saliva for the presence or absence of drug and drug metabolites in the system. Monitoring the changes in the behavior of an individual can help you a little extent but it is not a reliable method to detect the use of drugs as these could be the symptoms of any other problem. Drug testing is quite effective and reliable in determining the influence of drugs. Thus it has become quite necessary and compulsory in many organizations. Are you also searching for ways to pass a drug test? Scroll through the article and learn some easy way to pass a drug test.

    Urinalysis is the most common method used for drug screening. Drug test blood test is rarely preferred and hair follicle drug test is the most accurate technique. Hair drug test can detect the presence of drugs weeks or several months after the last intake of drug. The best way to pass a drug test is to stop the consumption of illicit drugs not only before the test but for the rest of your life. It will work wonders! You won’t have to waste your invaluable time in searching for ways to pass a drug test.

    Here are some more easy ways to pass a drug test:

    • Dilution is the best way to flush the chemicals and toxins out of the system. Drinking a lot of water or any other fluid will help you a lot to cleanse the system. Drink as much as water as you daily for a week prior to test and it will help you detoxify the system more quickly.
    • Diuretics can help stimulate urination. Go for cranberry juice, tea or coffee. This will you urinate frequently and will remove the toxins from the system.
    • Dilution will lower the creatinine level and specific gravity of the urine. Consumption of red meat or creatine supplements will help normalize the creatinine level.
    • Drinking a lot of water will dilute the urine sample. Vitamin B2 by imparting yellow color to the urine will mask dilution.
    • Exercising will burn the fat cells and release the THC in the urine. This will help detoxify the system.

    The above tips are certainly going to help you in case of a drug testing. Don’t waste your time and start working right away accordingly.

    How to pass