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  • January 20th, 2011

    False Positives On A Drug Test

    Read about false positives on a drug test.

    False positive on a drug test occur when person accidentally return back positive result for some other substances. This can happen mainly because of three reasons. One is consumption of certain food products or medicines. One classic example of this is use of poppy seeds before test return positive result for opiates. Second is drug testing conducted at non FDA approved testing laboratories? They do not have enough knowledge about drug testing, equipments, substance causing false positive result etc. This is so as testing positive can lead to job loss and all the related embarrassment.

    Drug testing was made mandatory in the year 1988. It is under Drug Free workplace for public employees. It is observe that drug testing reduces drug abuse rate. Hence many private authorities also voluntarily adopted the practice of drug test. This is the phase when many are turn for drug testing labs. If you just take reference, out if 1000 drug testing lab, there are only 120 labs which are approved and run by FDA standard. False positives can occur during all tests including in the urine drug test – the most common of the drug tests. Most likely, they are observing due to certain over the counter medicines. Especially drugs you are taking for diabetic cure or kidney disorder etc.

    Actually false positive result in drug tests been contentious and has caused a lot of litigation. Employees can easily blame certain drugs about their positive result. Employees usually claim contamination of the sample during transport and testing as a reason for the positive result. It is fact that, result got from urine drug testing is not at all reliable one. In most cases a false positive will mean a retest under more careful conditions. And in the worst case it can lead to loss of job.

    How to avoid getting false positive drug test? One simple way is carry your prescription at drug centre. Give prior intimation about your medical treatments and medicines you are taking from long. Do not switch your medicines without consulting medical superintendents. If you are sports person and going for pass a drug test then adopt necessary precautions about dietary supplements too. Most dietary supplements have appetite suppressers. More precautions you take better are the chances of getting false positive result.

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