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  • October 28th, 2010

    How To Pass Drug Test For Thc

    Read how to pass a drug test for THC.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in United States. The main and active ingredient is THC that is tetrahydrocannabinol. With the increase in the number of marijuana smokers, THC urine drug test are often conducted for random jobs. Urine testing is the least expensive amongst all the drug testing methods and thus more preferred. Are you also going to face a drug test for THC? To find out ways to pass a drug test for THC read this article.

    The detection time of THC depends upon the quantity and frequency of smoking done. Generally it can be detected 10 to 14 days after the last use of marijuana. A chronic user with high tolerance level can easily eliminate the toxins from the body. It is a bit difficult for the occasional users. Here are some tips that will help you pass drug test for THC:

    • Buy synthetic urine and substitute your urine with the synthetic ones. This will work only if you are not supervised. The supervisors know what the temperature of the fresh sample should be and they also check the blood type of the particles present in the urine. In that case use of synthetic urine could be dangerous. But if you don’t have sufficient time, this is the only way left for you.
    • The other way is flushing your system. Drink a lot of fluids and urinate as frequently as possible. It will help diluting the concentration of THC metabolite in the urine and you can test yourself negative.
    • THC is stored in the fatty tissues. Exercising will burn the fats and THC will be released. The urine that goes out will carry away the residue while cleansing your system. Burning of fats should be stopped two days prior to the test.
    • Taking aspirin a few hours before the test might help you as aspirin is believed to interfere with the chemicals in the test.
    • Consuming protein rich red meat will normalize the creatinine level. Creatinine is a by product of creatine present on the urine. The creatinine level drops down on dilution of urine. The lab authorities can check the level of creatinine to ensure that the urine is not diluted.
    • If urine sample looks clear you can get a positive result as the authorities will come to know that you were trying to beat a test. To avoid this take vitamin B. it will color your sample yellow.
    • Many detox solutions are readily available online which can cleanse your system.

    These tips will surely help you pass drug test. Remember drugs exert their action on the central nervous system. So if you are doing drugs nervous system will be affected.

    How to pass