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  • October 19th, 2010

    I Failed A Drug Test

    I failed a drug test: now what?

    If you have failed a drug test then you yourself are the best person to know if you failed it because you did drugs or if you were a rare case of false positive. A false positive is when seemingly harmless supplements or energy drinks contain illegal or controlled substances in many countries. The best example would be Coca Cola which hade cocaine when the cold drink was initially manufactured. Same is the case with the energy drink Red Bull which has allegedly contains traces of cocaine and is banned in some countries.

    If you have failed a drug test because you did drugs then it would be a completely different ball game. The drug that you took and the potency of that illegal substance plays an important role in the outcome of the test. This means that even though marijuana is less addictive and harmful than cigarettes or opiates (opium derivatives such as brown sugar and heroin) it will stay in your body for a longer period of time and hamper to pass drug test. This means that even though you do not do “hard” drugs you will still test positive.

    The best way to pass drug test is to quit; and for good. It takes almost three months for most of the drugs to flush out of your body and not smoking or doing drugs for that period of time can ensure that you pass with flying colors. Drug detox at home recovery is not as hard as it sounds; it is harder to quit cigarettes. Just make sure that you do not do drugs and take professional medical help along with support of your family by being open.

    Drug detox at home cannot recovery cannot be easy; especially for chronic users and support is needed, either socially or medically. However, social support can prove to be more beneficial than popping pills to get rid of withdrawal and addiction. Many prescription drugs such as Xanax and Alprazolam have addictive nature and a patient recovering from cannabis or marijuana addiction can get hooked to these chemicals ( Xanax/Alprazolam).

    How to pass