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  • October 7th, 2010

    Information On Saliva Drug Test

    Information on Saliva Drug Test.

    Drug Tests determine whether or not the person being tested consumes drugs. These tests are named after that body fluid / part that they use as a specimen. Therefore the types of drug tests are urine drug Test, blood test, saliva swab test, sweat test / analysis and the hair drug test. Each test has its own strengths and limitations.

    The Urine test is the most common drug test. Urine retains toxins for greater periods than blood and sweat. However, this test is relatively easy to hoodwink unless stringent and invasive supervisory measures are put in place. Drug users in many ways can beat urine drug tests. These include substitution of urine sample, dilution of the sample by adding water to it from the washroom taps, drinking water and cranberry juice before the test to dilute and breakdown the toxins thereby preventing detection and providing only the end part of the urine as sample (the end portion of the urine contains the least amount of toxins).

    The prevention of such cheating requires the authorities to take stringent measures like getting the person being checked to change into laboratory dress / gowns so that he cannot carry any extra things to the sampling room, checking the temperature of the urine sample immediately after obtaining it, temporarily suspending all water supply in the room where sample is obtained and allowing the person the consumption of only certified and checked drinks or solids for 2 hours before the test. These measures are intrusive and require consistently strict supervision.

    A saliva test is therefore preferred in certain situations where recent drug use is to be determined. These include vehicle and equipment drivers and those involved in workplace and other accidents. It is also used as a surprise test. So if you have consumed beer it will show up in this test. The main drawback of saliva test is that it can determine drug consumption only in the last 12 to 24 hours. It can check the use of all the commonly used drugs like marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine etc. 30% of the companies in the US use the saliva test as compared to 20% who use both urine and hair tests. A swab is placed between the lower cheek and gum for about 2 minutes and this is taken as the sample. Saliva drug tests are fairly accurate and when used in the appropriate areas are quick to give results.

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