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  • December 24th, 2010

    Passing Drug Tests Detoxify Instructions

    Passing Drug Tests Detoxify Instructions

    Drug test is the procedure for checking if a person uses drugs. A sample of body hair or body fluid like urine, blood, saliva or sweat is taken. This sample is then examined for the presence / absence of drug residues. If the concentration of drug residues is greater than a minimum level, then a second or confirmatory test is conducted. If the concentration of the residue is higher than the minimum level even in the second test, the person is declared to be a drug user. To pass a drug test you need to detoxify your body.

    Drug tests are named after the sample that is used. The different types of tests are the urine test, blood test, saliva / oral / mouth swab test, sweat test / analysis and the hair test. The objective behind a drug test is to discourage drug use. Failure in a drug test can mean loss of job, of rented premises, of contracts, of sporting achievements or suspension from school or college. The fear of these consequences is meant to prevent people from using drugs. The problem is, even non users can test positive if they consume certain medicines or foods before the test. The condition is called false positive. Therefore you need to remember how to not fail a drug test.

    Here are some passing drug tests detoxify instructions:

    For 7 to 15 days before the test, undertake regular fat burning exercise, drink a lot of water and eat a balanced and healthy diet. Fats store toxins. Burning them breaks down the toxins and water flushes out these through urine. The diet prevents the accumulation of any fresh toxins. This technique will work for the urine test and broadly for the blood test. To prevent discolouration of urine, which can raise suspicions, take vitamin B tablets that restore the colour of the urine.

    Using a masking shampoo that prevents the detection of drug residues, if any, can clear the hair drug test.

    A detox mouthwash used 5 to 30 minutes before a saliva test will help you detoxify your mouth and clear the saliva test.

    How to pass