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  • December 24th, 2010

    Policies On Drug Testing

    Gain info on policies on drug testing

    Drug tests are held in many places but not everywhere. There are certain set of rules and policies about drug tests that should be followed. If any drug test is not following the policies or in other words is illegal, then it is obvious that its results will also not be accepted. So, it is important top know about the policies on drug testing, so that if you feel that the drug test is not legal then you can definitely refuse to give the test. In this article you will find some of the policies that are commonly not followed in many places.

    Different countries and organizations have different policies. So, you should try to get info about your countries policies on drug testing and also information about the policies of that organization where you are going to give the test. However, there are some common rules that need to be followed for every drug test. Policies ware made because some drug test are not necessary and they simply invade the person’s privacy.

    The common policy which is followed in many countries is that random drug testing is not allowed in high schools. This will surely please the high school students and is the result of a few high school students. This law was passed in the Supreme Court of Washington and is obeyed in the States and well as a few other countries.

    Another common policy is that not all drugs are included in the standard drug testing panel. It is possible that the drug, you are addicted to, is not included in the standard drug testing panel. So you should know that drugs which are included and which are not. If it is not, then you need not fear about the test and give it confidently. Even if the drug is detected, you will still be given a negative drug test results.

    The drug test should not be invasive and harm the person like cocaine metabolite drug test. If the test is harmful then you can refuse to give the test, till it is pretty comfortable to you. If you feel that the drug test is not following the rules in the policy then you can simply refuse to give the test and then do not worry about how to pass a drug test.

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