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  • December 19th, 2010

    Pre Employment Drug Test Laws

    Pre employment drug test laws are must

    Masking the sample or diluting the sample will definitely help you get the desired results in the tests. When you have options you will definitely try and utilize them and when you don’t have any options then you probably tamper the evidences. People try to replace samples with the affected sample to get the kind of results they require. Hair drug testing is very important and you have to take care of details pertaining to drug test and other related stuff. Pass a drug test and move on in life is what everyone needs and this will definitely help you to gain maximum advantage.

    You need to know the reaction times of different drugs before you carry on the test. Marijuana and hashish stay for an hour after ingestion. Opiates stay in the system 3 days. These drugs are different due to different compositions and effects. There are times when you see things yourself and then you reach conclusions. Replacing a sample in case of urine test is very common and it can be clubbed as cheating the sample for urine drug testing. You can take an example of flushing which is not exactly cheating but the method is home based and gives desired results to some extent .

    A very common saying is that you can only cheat when you have the knowledge in fact cheating requires more research than just passing the test. There are days when you have felt that there is some way out to beat or cheat these drug testing methods. As far as urine tests are concerned cheating is somewhat possible unlike these swabs tests. Swab test are instant and they give results very accurately. The limitations attached to the swab test make it a less popular among drug testing.

    The filtration method of urine is a very easy method but it does not work all type of metabolites. Some metabolites which are soluble in water will definitely show positive results. . Ignoring the laboratory instructions will definitely help you pass this test. They will instruct you to inject some thing before the mouth swab test. You should completely ignore this instruction. Chewing is one of the ways to beat this test and there is nothing better than chewing ice before the test

    How to pass