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  • February 16th, 2011

    Creatine For Drug Test

    Read about creatine for drug test.

    The most common method employed for fooling the lab authorities in a drug test is dilution. People drink large amount of fluids to eliminate the traces of drug metabolites in the system and pass drug tests for nicotine. The drug testing laboratories are aware about the tactics used by many abusers to pass a drug test. They are now permitted to conduct a validity test to check for dilution. It is necessary to maintain the creatinine levels in the urine so that the labs do not suspect dilution. Creatinine is a waste product created by creatine that is found in many dietary supplements.

    Creatine contains three amino acids that are found in the muscles of human beings. Creatine helps restoring and repairing the muscles after every physical activity. Creatine is stored in the muscle cells of the system. It is synthesized naturally inside the system by the kidneys, liver and pancreas daily at the rate of 2 grams per day. Many athletes use creatine supplements. Creatine reduces the recovery time during work outs and are thus are popular amongst the athletes. Dilution is preferred by many to pass drug test. Drinking large quantities of fluids will dilute the amount of drug metabolites in the system. However, dilution lowers the specific gravity and creatinine level in the urine.

    If the amount of creatinine in urine is too less the result would be “diluted” and the subject might fail the drug screening test. The test that checks for creatinine levels is expensive and not usually done. Creatine supplements are sold all over the internet. You can find them in local stores as well. They will boost the creatinine levels in the urine. Eating protein rich red meat will also help normalize the creatinine levels in the urine.

    Maintaining creatinine level in the urine is essential if you are supposed to face a urine drug test. The most obvious way to pass a drug test is to avoid the use of illegal drugs and prevent your life from getting stressed out because of drug testing protocol!

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